Free Monthly Neuropathy Treatment Class

St Geroge Education Classes


Steven Larsen, MD

Free Monthly Neuropathy Treatment Class

Steven Larsen, MD

We are thrilled to announce that we will add a new session to our schedule due to the high demand for our pain education class. Our clinic has been overwhelmed by the positive feedback and the number of patients signed up for our April Education Class.

The new date for the class is June 8th, and it will be held at Hive Therapy Health and Fitness from 11:30 -1:00 PM. We encourage all patients interested in attending to sign up as soon as possible, as spaces are limited.

The class will cover causes and the variety of treatment options for Neuropathy…


  1. lifestyle changes
  2. medication
  3.  inventions/ procedures 

Next class on:

This class with be taught by Dr. Steven Larsen, MD, and refreshments will be served at the Hive Therapy Health & Fitness in St. George.

Complementary monthly neuropathy treatment educational class including lifestyle, medication, and interventional non-drug treatment options. Refreshments to be served


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