Non-Surgical Options for Lower Back Pain Relief

If you have back pain that has lasted for weeks without relief and you have tried home remedies or treatment methods without success, you may need professional medical intervention. At Desert Pain Specialists, our team of highly skilled and talented physicians is committed to providing patient-centered holistic health care and pain management using alternative and functional medicine therapies. We can offer relief from back pain without resorting to surgery, prescription medication, or invasive procedures. Our conservative back pain treatment methods can offer immediate or lasting back pain relief in St. George, UT, and surrounding areas. To learn more about our team and our chronic back pain treatment options, call us today to schedule a consultation.

Person receiving a Caudal Steroid Injection for non-surgical back pain relief in St. George, UT & nearby areas

Common Causes of Back Pain

Our team focuses on designing a highly individualized treatment plan for each patient who visits us for back pain relief. We do not take a ‘one size fits all’ approach towards back pain treatment. We also do not try to mask your symptoms with prescription pain medications. Our mission is to find the root cause of your back pain so that we can build your pain management plan around that. The most common causes of back pain in adults are:

  • Arthritis.
  • Degenerative disc disease.
  • Radiculopathy.
  • Joint dysfunction.
  • Spinal stenosis.
  • Spondylolisthesis.
  • Trauma or injury.
  • Repetitive stress or overuse.
  • Poor posture.
  • Work, sports, or auto injury.
  • Lift injury.
  • Obesity.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Tumor, cyst, or bone spur.
  • Nerve damage or injury.
  • Muscle or ligament sprain or strain.

Back pain can also be an underlying symptom of a serious medical condition. It’s important to seek medical evaluation and treatment if you have back pain that lasts longer than a week, is accompanied by a fever, affects your mobility, interferes with your bowel or bladder function, or causes muscle weakness or numbness. Illnesses that present with back pain include:

  • Kidney infections.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Liver infection.
  • Liver damage.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Gallstones.
  • Gallbladder disease.
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases.
  • Stomach ulcers,
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Diagnosing and Assessing Back Pain

The sooner you seek medical treatment for back pain, the sooner we can determine the underlying cause of your pain and design a back pain treatment plan. To fully assess and diagnose your back pain, we will complete a thorough physical examination, run diagnostic imaging tests like an X-ray or MRI scan, take your health history, discuss your symptoms and lifestyle, and review your goals and treatment expectations. We may ask you to complete simple physical movements in front of us so that we can evaluate your balance, posture, gait, spinal position, movement, dexterity, strength, flexibility, and range of motion. All of this information will help us gain a fuller picture of your back pain and determine its underlying cause.

Medical Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Our back pain treatment options are holistic, non-invasive, and non-surgical. If you visit a traditional medical doctor for back pain treatment, they may recommend:

  • Muscle relaxants.
  • Prescription pain medication.
  • Corticosteroids.
  • Surgery.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Spinal cord stimulation.
  • Electrical stimulation.
  • Traction.
  • Exercise.
  • Rest.
  • Heat and ice therapy.

Alternative Chronic Back Pain Treatment Options

Our physicians specialize in alternative, functional medicine treatment for lower back pain. We offer non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment options for immediate and lasting back pain relief. All of our treatment options are safe and low-risk. They can relieve pain, accelerate healing, promote mobility and function, restore overall health, and improve quality of life. Our non-surgical back pain treatment options include:

  • Lifestyle Adjustments – We will make highly personalized recommendations for adjustments to your home and work environment and routine. We may also suggest changes to your diet and exercise plan. These lifestyle modifications can reduce back pain, offer lasting back pain relief, and prevent back pain from recurring.
  • Regenerative Medicine – We offer a variety of highly effective and minimally invasive regenerative medicine therapies for back pain relief. Regenerative medicine can relieve inflammation and pain, restore function and range of motion, and help you avoid surgery. Our regenerative medicine treatment options include platelet-rich plasma therapy, Intracept, kyphoplasty, and more.
  • Functional Medicine – Our functional medicine therapies are an alternative to traditional medical back pain treatment. We offer interventional spine care services, pain management services, thoracic facet radiofrequency neurotomy, spinal cord stimulation, radiofrequency ablation, lumbar radiofrequency neurotomy, and more.
  • Nerve Blocks & Epidural Injections – We offer safe, minimally invasive nerve block injections and steroidal epidural injections to treat back pain and reduce the risk of recurrence. We may recommend caudal steroid injections, epidural steroid injections, facet joint injections, lidocaine infusions, nerve block injections, sacroiliac joint steroid injections, sciatic nerve block injections, or trigger point injections.

Reducing Your Risk of Back Pain at Work and Home

In addition to our in-office back pain treatment protocols, we will offer patient education and resources to continue your treatment at home. Making certain lifestyle and workplace adjustments can reduce your risk of recurring or chronic back pain and improve your comfort and quality of life. To prevent back pain at work and home, we may suggest that you:

  • Change your sleep habits, sleep position, or mattress.
  • Get at least 20 minutes of low-impact exercise every day.
  • Complete daily therapeutic stretching exercises.
  • Improve your posture.
  • Practice stress management techniques.
  • Avoid repetitive tasks and heavy lifting.
  • Wear custom orthotics.
  • Spend less time on the couch.
  • Make your workstation more ergonomic.
  • Adjust your job duties until you are fully healed.
  • Take breaks from your desk or computer each hour to walk around and stretch.

Explore Your Non-Surgical Options for Treatment of Back Pain

If you’re ready to explore your options for non-surgical back pain treatment in St. George, UT, and surrounding areas, contact us at Desert Pain Specialists today. Our highly skilled and knowledgeable team of physicians has decades of education, training, and experience in pain relief and management using holistic, non-surgical approaches. We take a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to health care and pain management. We treat the whole patient rather than just their symptoms, and our highly individualized treatment protocols address the underlying cause of the pain. To schedule a consultation for non-surgical low back pain relief, call us today or contact us online.