Desert Pain Specialists is now offering a minimally invasive procedure to treat lower back pain associated with the Sacro-Illiac(SI) Joint

The SACRUM is the very lowest portion of our spine. It is the base of our spine, which is below the lumbar vertebrae. The ILIUM is the portion of our pelvis which most of us can feel on the outside of our hips. The pelvis is where our hip joint is located. This joint between our SACRUM and our pelvis is the Sacro-Illiac(SI) Joint. This joint carries a great portion of the load. Essentially the entire weight of our spine, or upper body, is carried here. This weight is then transferred to our hips and legs across the SI Joint. The SI joint can generate pain because of the tremendous load it carries and when nerves in this area experience excessive motion.
Diagnosis and Treatment

Prior to the SI joint fusing procedure, a pain specialist at Desert Pain Specialists will do an assessment. A detailed history and medical exam will help us make this diagnosis. Commonly an MRI and other tests such as an X-Ray will need to be ordered. If a trial of standard conservative treatment has be unsuccessful, then a patient becomes eligible for this procedure. Individuals suffering of SI joint pain can be those who have sustained trauma to their lower back or extremities from such as an automobile accident, have had previous lower spine fusion procedures, or can also be women who have given birth; although SI joint pain is not exclusive to these conditions. If you suffer from SI joint pain or suspect your continuing back pain may be associated with the SI joint, please contact Desert Pain Specialists to consult with our Medical Professionals.