About the treatment
Once sedated by a Desert Pain Specialist nurse, patients are moved to the procedure suite, and the area to be addressed is cleansed and prepped. A microelectrode is then injected, and the stimulation process begins. Your physician will test multiple nerves while communicating with the patient and using live fluoroscopy (x-ray) to ensure the correct area is being treated. Once the correct placement area is verified, the radiofrequency electrode is heated, burning the surrounding tissue and nerves and reducing pain for 1-2 years.

Radiofrequency ablation can take 4-6 weeks to take full effect as soft tissues must heal from the procedure. It is common to experience some soreness at the procedure site. A less common side effect can include a sunburn-type sensation at the procedure site due to the radiofrequency used. Patients are advised to utilize ice and OTC pain medications to reduce pain and soreness. If you believe RFA would be a good solution for your chronic pain, talk to your Desert Pain Specialist provider today.